You want to improve your performance as a motorcycle rider on circuit ?

Register to our performance driving school !

This school is designed to be performance-oriented, aimed at those who want to take a course by improving their driving techniques.
From beginner to confirmed pilot, we adapt 4 distinct groups according to each participant’s performance and objectives.


Debriefing at each session

Customized coaching

on each part

individual corrections

4 world renowned instructors
under the command of Vincent Philippe

Vincent Philippe

Vincent Philippe

Baptiste Guittet

Baptiste GUITTET

Matthieu Gines

Mathieu Gines

Julien Enjolras

Julien Enjolras

  • 4 Instructors
  • 4 groups
  • 10 pilots per instructor
  • Box included for every trainee

Attention : limited slots !!!

Our performance driving school

Calendar 2025 calendar will be displayed from
Friday, december 13, 2024 at 5:00 pm

86 next tracks days on 15 tracks